Comparative regionalism, national identity
Researcher and Associated Lecturer at the IEE-ULB and an Associate Lecturer in Comparative Regionalism at SciencesPo, Paris. He also serves as scientific coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus GEM PhD School on ‘Globalisation, European and Multilateralism’ and the GEM-STONES Marie Curie Innovative Training Network. His research is on comparative regionalism, with a focus on European and Asian realities, the foreign policies of Germany and Japan, and interregionalism. Past publications include: ‘Inter-Regionalism as a Coherent and Intelligible Instrument in the EU’s Foreign Policy Toolbox: A Comparative Assessment’ in The EU’s Foreign Policy: What Kind of Power and Diplomatic Action? (2013), ‘Public Research Projects in Europe and East Asia: Cooperation or Competition? A Comparative Analysis of the ITER and Galileo Experiences’, East Asia (2010); ‘The EU and its Far-abroad: Interregional Relations with Other Continents’, in The European Union and Global Governance (2009); and ‘Japan in East Asia: The Dynamics of Regional Cooperation from a European Perspective’, in Studia Diplomatica (2007). More recent work on interregional trade negotiations include: ‘The Political and Institutional Significance of an EU–Japan Trade and Partnership Agreement’ in The EU and Japan: A New Chapter in Civilian Power Cooperation? (2015) and ‘From Noodle Bowls to Alphabet Soup’ in The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations (2015).
National Identity and the Youth in East Asia, Routledge.
“Race, gender, and nation in right-wing nationalist discourse in Chinese cyberspace”, in Chenchen Zhang and Frederik Ponjaert ed. National Identity and the Youth in East Asia, Routledge.
GENEsYs Events
GENEsYs Final Online Conference: East Asian Youth in Public Spaces
GENEsYs Lecture - "Towards an Unrestrained Military: Manga Narratives of the Self-Defense Forces". 10 March 2020, Université Libre Bruxelles
GENEsYs Lecture - "Crowdfunding a territorial dispute: Japanese right-wing activists, online media, and the Senkaku Islands dispute". 12 March 2020, Université Libre Bruxelles
GENEsYs Workshop n°3 - "National Identities and the Youth in East Asia: Popular Culture, Political Mobilisation, and Digital Spaces". 2-3 May 2019, Université libre de Bruxelles
GENEsYs Methods Workshop - Digital Youth in East Asia: Theoretical, Methodological and Technical Issues. 11-13 October 2017, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
GENEsYs Keynote -"From Cyber-democracy to Cyber-nationalism in Japan". 12 October 2017, Université Libre de Bruxelles
GENEsYs Keynote - "Challenges & opprtunities presented by Big Data". 13 October 2017, Université Libre de Bruxelles 13 October 2017, Université Libre de Bruxelles