Chenchen ZHANG
National identity, youth, China
Chenchen is a lecturer (assistant professor) in politics and international relations at Queen’s University Belfast. Before coming to Belfast she was a postdoc researcher at the University of Copenhagen and the Université libre de Bruxelles.
Her research interests lie broadly within social and political theory, political geography, and international relations. Her published work has been focused on citizenship theory, migration and border politics, human rights, and more recently on popular geopolitics and the global influence of “new right” ideas. From September 2020 I am the Forum and Review editor of Geopolitics.
Chenchen Zhang is the producer and co-host of 时差 In-betweenness, a mandarin Chinese podcast that amplifies the voice of young(ish) China scholars. She is the translator of Rebecca Solnit’s Men Explain Things to Me (English to simplified Chinese, People’s Literature Press 2020).
National Identity and the Youth in East Asia, Routledge.
“Race, gender, and nation in right-wing nationalist discourse in Chinese cyberspace”, in Chenchen Zhang and Frederik Ponjaert ed. National Identity and the Youth in East Asia, Routledge.
“Governing (through) trustworthiness: technologies of power and subjectification in China’s Social Credit System”, Critical Asian Studies, 52 (4), 565-588
“Right-wing populism with Chinese characteristics? Identity, otherness, and global imaginaries in debating world politics online”, European Journal of International Relations.
“Right-wing populist discourse on Chinese social media: Identity, otherness, and global imaginaries”, Cahiers du CEVIPOL/Brussels Working Papers 03/2019.
“Governing neoliberal authoritarian citizenship: theorizing hukou and the changing mobility regime in China”, Citizenship Studies 22(8): 855-881.
GENEsYs Events
GENEsYs Final Online Conference: East Asian Youth in Public Spaces
GENEsYs Workshop n°3 - "National Identities and the Youth in East Asia: Popular Culture, Political Mobilisation, and Digital Spaces". 2-3 May 2019, Université libre de Bruxelles
GENEsYs 1st Exhibition - "Meet the Millennials. Connecting the Millenials. Connecting a Creative Generation in East and West. 28 May 2019, Université libre de Bruxelles