Urban mobility, public spaces, Vietnam
Van Minh Nguyen is a PhD student and FNRS research fellow at the Université Libre the Bruxelles (LAMC; EASt), where he is part of the ARC project ‘GENEsYs – East Asian Youth: Identities and Practices in Public Space’. His research falls at the intersection of anthopology and urban studies, focussing on physical and social mobility in Ho Chi Minh City.
After the Đổi mới (renovation) reform program in 1986, Vietnam started a gradual shift towards a socialist-oriented market economy. Among the newly accessible consumer goods, the motorbike rapidly emerged as the symbol of this economic and social transition. Motorized two-wheelers have radically changed the Vietnamese cityscape and the way of its fruition, by affecting how people meet, interact, and consume urban spaces. Nowadays, despite the growing number of cars, motorbikes still embody the freedom associated with a constantly expanding market and the post-đổi mới generation’s desire for greater independence from two major agents of social control, the family and the state. In his thesis, he focuses on the increasingly entangled intersections between private aspirations and state policies, economic development, and urbanisation. In particular, based on motorbike ethnography in Ho Chi Minh City’s streetscapes, Minh's research analyses how spatial practices made possible by motorbikes redefine the boundary between public and private spaces, by providing young urbanites a mobile technology of intimacy for the performance of urban identities, gender negotiations and social distinction.
"The transformation of mobility in post-đoi mơi Vietnam", Special issue of the journal Civilisations, vol. 69.
“Alone Together: Intimacy and Semi-Mobility during Ho Chi Minh City’s Lockdown", Anthropology in Action, 27(3), pp. 14–17
GENEsYs Events
GENEsYs Final Online Conference: East Asian Youth in Public Spaces
Exhibition "Asian Youth in Public Spaces"
East Asian Youth in Public Spaces - exhibition launch at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam
GENEsYs Mid-Term Conference - "Conference Transformation of youth identities in East/South Asia". 27 May 2019, Université libre de Bruxelles
GENEsYs Panel at International Conference - Spatial Performance of Youth in Urban (South-)East Asia: Case Studies from China, Laos and Vietnam. GIS/ICAS 11, Leiden. July 16-19, 2019
GENEsYs Full Lecture Cycle on "Espaces Publiques en Asie". Spring Semester 2019, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Other events
- “Identity and positioning of mixed researchers on the field”. Online seminar hosted by EFEO (Ho Chi Minh City), April 7, 2020
- “A tale of two cities: Urban (im)mobilities and intimacy in Saigon-Ho Chi Minh City”. Presented at EFEO (Ho Chi Minh City), June 17, 2020
- "Urban life on two wheels: practices of mobility in Ho Chi Minh City”. Presented on 12 December 2019 at the ABBA seminar «Epistémologie de la mobilité», ULB
- “Mappare l'invisibile: etnografia su due ruote di Ho Chi Minh City”. Presented on 2 December 2019 within the cycle «Lab DEA», organized at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- "Two-wheeled revolution. representations and practices of spaces among young people in Ho Chi Minh City". GENEsYs panel on youth and public space, GIS/ICAS 11, Leiden. July 16-19, 2019
- “Spatial technologies of intimacy in Ho Chi Minh City”. Presented at the European summer school for the anthropology of development and social dynamics, 15-17 May 2019, Liège, Belgium
- “Two-wheeled revolution: Mobility and intimacy among young people in Ho Chi Minh City”. Presented at EASt Mid-Term GENEsYs Conference: Transformation of Youth Identities in East and Southeast Asia: Public Spaces and Intimacy, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (Belgium), May 27–28, 2019
- "Bilingualism in Vietnamerica. Negotiating identities in the diaspora”. Communicaion presented during the 9th ESFR Conference “Families through the lens of diversity”, 5-8 September 2018, Porto, Portugal