Clémentine LÉONARD
Digital spaces, social networks, self-presentation, Hmong ethnicity, young migrants, Laos
With a strong background in Anthropology of Development and Language Sciences, Clémentine Léonard gained a wide experience in migration and child rights while working in the non-profit sector in Brussels and North-East Laos. After five years of experience in the non-profit sector, Clémentine began her doctoral research as part of the ARC GENEsYs project, on public spaces - physical and digital - as a window to explore how young people migrating to Laos capital define and redefine themselves. Clémentine’s research centered on assessing the dynamics of intra- and inter-group socialization of newcomers, migrants mechanisms in maintaining and creating networks, with a particular attention to the sociolinguistic dimension of their practices. Following this academic experience, Clémentine switched back to the non-profit sector.
GENEsYs Events
GENEsYs Panel at International Conference - Spatial Performance of Youth in Urban (South-)East Asia: Case Studies from China, Laos and Vietnam. GIS/ICAS 11, Leiden. July 16-19, 2019
GENEsYs Full Lecture Cycle on "Espaces Publiques en Asie". Spring Semester 2019, Université Libre de Bruxelles
GENEsYs Lecture - "Jeunes migrants hmongs à Vientiane (Laos) : comprendre le rôle des espaces publics virtuels dans la définition de leur identité". 17 Février 2018, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Other events
- "Navigating urban and online spaces: The case of young Hmong rural migrants" presented at the Traditional Art and Ethnology Centre, Luang Prabang (LAOS). Luang Prabang, 19 October 2019.
- "Un terrain au Laos: partage d’expérience". Communication presented during the workshop on methodology “ Terrain d’étude en Asie. Sensibilité et relations durables”, organized on 9/10 2019 for the GIS Asie/jeunes chercheur.e.s Asie, Université libre de Bruxelles.
- "Performing the self online: young Hmong migrants in Vientiane". GENEsYs panel on youth and public space, GIS/ICAS 11, Leiden. July 16-19, 2019
- Methodological workshop for young scholars Fieldwork challenges in Asia - Terrain d’étude : sensibilité relations durables. Journée méthodologique des jeunes chercheur.e.s du GIS Asie, Brussels, 9 October 2019. Université Libre de Bruxelles
- "The role of online public space in identity building and self-presentation: the case of the young Hmong migrants in Vientiane (Laos"), part of the panel “Agency from the margins: modern transformations among the Hmong of upland South East Asia”), ASEAS, University of Leeds. September 5-7, 2018
- "Young Hmong migrants and online identity". Workshop “Media and Politics in the Asia-Pacific Region”, CASE (Centre Asie du Sud-Est), INALCO, Paris June 15, 2018
- International Workshop for young scholars on publication issues - Les jeunes chercheur.e.s dans la course aux publications. Journée méthodologique des jeunes chercheur.e.s du GIS Asie, Brussels, 6 June 2018, Paris, EHESS
- "Young Hmong Migrants in Vientiane (Lao PDR): Practices and Identities in Public Spaces", presented at the European Summer Academy for the Anthropology of Development and Social Dynamics, Universität Mainz May 17-21, 2017