China Studies, anthropology, urban studies
Lisa Richaud is FNRS post-doctoral researcher at the Laboratoire d'Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains (ULB). Her research falls at the intersection of China scholarship, anthropology, and urban studies. She is currently preparing a monograph tentatively entitled Casual Asssemblies: Afterlives of Socialist Amateur Performances in Beijing Public Parks, loosely based on her PhD thesis (ULB, 2016). Focusing on the collective performance of Maoist tunes by Beijing parkgoers, the book asks what happens when a practice once designed to produce socialist commitment is reframed as casual. Peer-reviewed articles also based on her doctoral fieldwork are available in Urban Studies, L'Espace Politique, Civilisations, L'Homme, and The Senses & Society. Previously, Lisa worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the collaborative, ESRC-funded project “Migration, Mental Health and the Chinese Mega-City” (Fudan University and King's College London), where she explored the affective experiences of precarious urban life in a context of rural-to-urban migration. Publications resulting from her ethnography can be found in journals such as International Health (2019), Public Culture (2020) or Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (2020). Her FNRS post-doctoral research project (2019-2022), pending due to the global pandemic, aimed to explore public solitude in the night-time Chinese city. She is also guest editor of a special section on the politics of negative affects in post-Reform China (in progress with HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory).
Biaoyan 表演. De la «performance» en Chine du maoïsme à la réforme, être en public et esthétique sociale. In: Vanessa Frangville, Françoise Lauwaert and Florent Villard (eds.), Les mots de la Chine. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
“Public spaces in Late Socialist East Asia: Interactions, Performativity, Citizenship”, Special issue of the journal Civilisations, vol. 69.
"Public spaces in late socialist East Asia : Introduction", Special issue of the journal Civilisations, vol. 69.
“Ce que produit l'incongrun, Affect et socialité dans un lieu public à Shanghai”, Les Politiques Sociales, numéro spécial : Les espaces publics urbains et leurs indésirables, dirigé par Sarah Van Hollebeke, Mathieu Berger et Louise Carlier.
Malaise of Indolence: (Dis)Engagements with the Future among Young Migrants in Shanghai. Ethos.
“Introduction: The Politics of Negative Affects in Post-Reform China” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory. Introduction to guest edited Special Section.
“Afterthoughts. Rethinking the Spatial Politics of Presence in China's Youth Cultures”. In: Vanessa Frangville and Gwennaël Gaffric (eds.), China’s Youth Cultures and Collective Spaces: Creativity, Sociality, Identity and Resistance. London: Routledge, pp. 235-247.
"The Politics of Negative Affects: A view from Post-Reform China". Special Section of the journal HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory.
“Places of “Heat and Noise”: Sonorous Presence and the Interstitial Time-Spaces of Everyday Life in Contemporary Beijing,” The Senses and Society.
“Stress and the Ecology of Urban Experience: Migrant Mental Lives in Central Shanghai”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 45 (4): 862-876.
“Les plaisirs ordinaires du chant révolutionnaire en Chine post-maoïste”, L'Homme : Revue française d'anthropologie, vol. 234-235, pp. 211-244
GENEsYs Events
GENEsYs Final Online Conference: East Asian Youth in Public Spaces
Exhibition "Asian Youth in Public Spaces"
GENEsYs Panel at International Conference - Spatial Performance of Youth in Urban (South-)East Asia: Case Studies from China, Laos and Vietnam. GIS/ICAS 11, Leiden. July 16-19, 2019
GENEsYs Full Lecture Cycle on "Espaces Publiques en Asie". Spring Semester 2019, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Other events
- “Generational affects: Anthropological Ways toward Re-enchanting Disenchantment.” Organised panel. Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 2020, Sibernik, 9-12 March.
- “Locating negative affects in post-reform China.” Organised panel. Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, Leipzig, 24-28 August.
- “Emotions in China: Youth between Fear and Nostalgia”. Discussion for panel organised By Sascha Klotzbücher. Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, Leipzig, 24-28 August.
- Workshop on Locating Negative Affects in China's Post-Reform Era. 8-9 May 2020, Université Libre de Bruxelles. CANCELLED BECAUSE OF COVID-19.
- "Empirical Perspectives on Youth and Publicness in China". An International Roundtable. 7 May 2020, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
- “The pressure to aspire. Ambivalent engagements with the future in Shanghai,” International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 2019 Inter-Congress, Poznan University, Poland, 27-31 August.
- “Landscapes of Aspirations: Spaces of young migrants' imagined futures and ambivalence in Shanghai,” Presented on 18/07/2019 for the 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars held in Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands.