Nolwenn SALMON
Chinese contemporary society, socio-anthropology, ecology
Nolwenn Salmon is Assistant Professor of Chinese Studies at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France). Her research interest lies in the role of citizens in China's ecological transition and the evolution of social norms generated by the environmental crisis, in particular the emergence and diffusion of new values and models of society. Her current project focuses on Chinese urban youth who decided to resettle in the countryside to undertake alternative agricultural projects and develop eco-friendly "intentional communities".
GENEsYs Events
GENEsYs Final Online Conference: East Asian Youth in Public Spaces
Exhibition "Asian Youth in Public Spaces"
GENEsYs Mid-Term Conference - "Conference Transformation of youth identities in East/South Asia". 27 May 2019, Université libre de Bruxelles
GENEsYs 1st Exhibition - "Meet the Millennials. Connecting the Millenials. Connecting a Creative Generation in East and West. 28 May 2019, Université libre de Bruxelles
GENEsYs Panel at International Conference - Striving for Sustainability Across the Urban-Rural Divide: A Perspective from the Bottom-Up. GIS/ICAS 11, Leiden. July 16-19, 2019
GENEsYs Full Lecture Cycle on "Espaces Publiques en Asie". Spring Semester 2019, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Other events
- "Reinventing the Chinese countryside – Alternative eco-villages". Communication presented during the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 11)/ 7e Congrès Asie organiezed on 16-19/07/2019 by the University of Leiden, the GIS Asie and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), University of Leiden.
- "From ideal to practice: The difficulties of promoting a sustainable model". Communication presented during the workshop “Alternative youth in China”, organized on 25 June 2019, Université Libre de Bruxelles